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Energy Consulting Center & General Contractor for the construction of eco-sustainable buildings

MUSCATELLO ENERGY GROUP is a young and dynamic company. It promotes technological and innovative solutions for energy saving and optimal energy management. From consultancy to the "turnkey" formula to have a single interlocutor for your company or home.


Per il 2024 e il 2025 il governo ha confermato il reddito energetico per le famiglie a basso reddito: il decreto legge è stato pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 261 dell’8 novembre 2023, con le istruzioni per l’erogazione.

L’agevolazione consente alle famiglie che rispettano specifici requisiti Isee di realizzare impianti fotovoltaici domestici tra 2-6 kW in autoconsumo, ampliando la platea di persone che hanno accesso alle fonti di energia rinnovabile.

Il decreto del MASE fornisce istruzioni, scadenze, interventi ammessi e fasce reddituali dei beneficiari per accedere al reddito energetico 2024.

Annunciato ad agosto, il reddito energetico per il 2024 è diventato realtà: il decreto del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica ha istituito il Fondo nazionale reddito energetico destinato ad aiutare le famiglie a reddito basso a passare alle fonti di energia green. Il reddito energetico è infatti destinato a chi installa impianti fotovoltaici in assetto di autoconsumo.


A tal fine il Ministero ha stanziato 200 milioni di euro per il 2024 e il 2025 , ripartiti tra le diverse regioni nella misura di:

  • 80 milioni per Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardegna e Sicilia

  • 20 milioni per le regioni o province autonome, ovvero Sicilia, Sardegna, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Valle d’Aosta, Trento e Bolzano

I bandi di accesso alle agevolazioni per richiedere il reddito energetico saranno caricati sul sito istituzionale del soggetto gestore incaricato dal Ministero, Gestore dei servizi energetici S.p.a (GSE) entro 90 giorni dalla pubblicazione del decreto. Saranno ammesse soltanto le domande presentate in via telematica tramite la piattaforma informatica messa a disposizione da GSE.

In cosa consiste l’agevolazione?

Il reddito energetico per il 2024 e per il 2025 non è altro che un contributo in conto capitale, ovvero un contributo a fondo perduto, da usare per le spese di acquisto e installazione dei pannelli fotovoltaici.

Il quantum dell’agevolazione deve corrispondere alle spese effettivamente sostenute per realizzare degli impianti e per le relative forniture entro i limiti massimi.

Gli interventi ammissibili

L’agevolazione riguarda l’installazione di  impianti fotovoltaici realizzati in assetto di autoconsumo con potenza tra 2 kW e 6 kW collegati a utenze intestate a famiglie a basso reddito.

Per richiedere il reddito energetico è necessario che, per almeno 10 anni, una quota dell’energia elettrica prodotta dall’impianto sia autoconsumata.


A chi spetta il reddito energetico nel 2024/2025?


L’agevolazione spetta ai soggetti con Isee fino a 15mila euro o 30mila euro nel caso di nuclei familiari con almeno quattro figli a carico:

Come risultante dalla Dichiarazione sostitutiva unica (DSU) per la richiesta di certificazione dell’ISEE, formulata attraverso i servizi digitali dell’Inps, relativa all’anno antecedente a quello di presentazione dell’istanza di accesso alle agevolazioni.

Ciascun beneficiario/nucleo familiare può beneficiare del contributo una volta sola. Le domande saranno accolte seguendo l’ordine cronologico fino ad esaurimento delle risorse a disposizione.

Contattaci per maggiori informazioni.


The bonuses for the purchase of air conditioners are tax breaks that are available to all those who decide to buy or replace their air conditioners with an energy-saving heat pump one. It is important to underline that this incentive is also available without carrying out renovation works. But in any case it is applicable according to the following purchase criteria:

  • 50% for those who have purchased an air conditioner for an ordinary home or condominium renovation;

  • 50% for the purchase of an air conditioner in energy class at least A+ during extraordinary renovations;

  • 65% for those who purchase a new high energy efficiency heat pump air conditioner to replace one of a lower class.

Interior Design
Pannello solare Farm8


Le energie rinnovabili sono una fonte di economica e potenzialmente infinita. Aumentare la_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_production e reducing the consumption of energy from fossil sources (oil, gas, coal) is an absolute priority in order to be able to deliver a livable planet future generations. The energy transition represents a fundamental element in achieving this goal.
Cerchiamo proprietari di terreni in prossimità di aree industriali, autostrade e capannoni per l'installazione di impianti_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_photovoltaics.


Building a house must be the realization of a dream, not a stress. 

We are the point of reference for the complete management of all aspects of a real estate project. We offer our customers global solutions such as technical analysis, design and construction, committing ourselves contractually to a fixed fee, certain construction times and guaranteed quality of the work .

The result is solutions with high added value, created with a view to optimizing costs and guaranteeing competitiveness while respecting quality and safety.

Image by Ярослав Алексеенко
Getting Coffee


We are open to implementing our technical staff with new professional figures to whom we will entrust design tasks, construction management, site safety, etc.


Join our team! We are looking for construction, plant engineering and plumbing and heating companies that demonstrate competence in the energy requalification sector and are able to guarantee high standards of quality and professionalism. We provide you with all the necessary design support, as well as access to the best skills and technologies on the market, to ensure high quality standards for your customers.

Work desk
creativo di lavoro


We deal with coaching, assistance and consultancy activities, of a managerial, financial and commercial nature, for companies and, specifically, for "Start-ups" and "SMEs" (innovative companies) also operating in sectors similar to those of the Company, or in the field of energy requalification.


Trust our energy consultancy center! We will help you with professionalism and experience in the sector to choose your electricity and gas supplier after a detailed assessment of your current contractual economic conditions. No thoughts! We will continue to follow you over the years to always have the best price on the market.

calcolare il risparmio
Sala riunioni d'affari


Starting from an idea or a specific problem in your home, you can deal with different professionals with the most transversal experience adapted to your needs. You will get a feasibility analysis, personalized estimates and many companies ready to implement your projects.

Reaching a Deal

Why rely on a General Contractor?

Un General Contractor is the contact person to whom a client, be it a public body or a private citizen, fully entrusts the execution of a specific work, with the precise intention di optimize the construction and management processes. The General Contractor is entrusted with the execution of the work in its entirety: from the attribution of the entirety: design assignment, operational and financial planning, up to the performance of all the phases necessary to complete the work. The goal, whether you are dealing with a large building or the renovation of a small apartment, is always the same: optimize times and costs,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_guaranteeing maximum convenience and quality along the entire building process._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-having a single point of contact is much simpler than having the end user a single contact and reassuring, as well as involving fewer problems and misunderstandings. Times and costs are reduced, because a general contractor has a dense network of collaborators whom he constantly uses, who knows how they work and whose presence he can plan with certainty, limiting the occurrence of coordination problems. In this way the general contractor, even before starting the work, has a clear and precise global vision of what the final result will be once the work is finished and you can rest assured that it will meet the requirements._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Relying on a General Contractor like Muscatello Energy Group means no longer having to deal with all the problems that are generally faced: suppliers who do not respect delivery times , wrong supplies, construction companies that work badly and without certifications, difficulty in managing bureaucratic practices, wrong choices in terms of materials. The quality of our work is what we will be remembered for, thanks to our dedication to consistently deliver high quality projects whilst ensuring the health, safety and well-being of all our employees through our commitment to providing an environment of healthy and positive work.

Our numbers


+1500 (2021-2022)

Construction sites completed

Coppia e costruttore


New customers

Incontro in cantiere

140 (560 workers)


Uomo in ufficio


Technicians involved


Via Duca degli Abruzzi, 13, 73020 Santa Cesarea Terme LE, Italy Via Roma, 14, Uggiano la Chiesa LE, Italy


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Legal and administrative residence


Via Duca degli Abruzzi 13

Monday Wednesday Friday

9 - 13

Business location


Via Rome 14

Monday Wednesday Friday

16 - 20

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